HOD - Dr. NYIRENDA, Jordan



A Bachelor of Education prepares students for careers in the field of education. Whether as a teacher, school counselor, or school administrator, students earning a Bachelor of Education can move forward in a rewarding career.

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Education have many options to choose from in specialization areas, such as education and public policy, child development, organizational management, early childhood education, or teaching English as a second language, to name a few. Curriculum for a Bachelor of Education degree will provide the skills and knowledge necessary to prepare students to be successful and innovative professionals in the field of education through coursework and application of theory and methods in student teaching. Students also have the flexibility of full-time, part-time, or online programs to earn a Bachelor of Education degree.

If you are passionate about education, then a career is waiting for you with a Bachelor of Education. Take a look through the options below and find the perfect program for you!


  • To enable teachers of STEM subjects to make a positive difference in their learners,
  • To have a good command of the various STEM subject matter,
  • To experience an enabling learning environment with learning resources and more experienced lecturers,
  • To develop positive attitudes towards teaching of science subjects,
  • To develop self- confidence in teachers of science,
  • To develop proper ways of improvisation of science teaching and learning facilities and situations,
  • To instil proper attitudes towards STEM national development.


Qualification: Bachelor in Physics Education, Masters In Physics Education

Research Interest : Investigating the quality and relevance of Mathematics and Science Teacher Education in Zambia

Courses : PHY 100, PED 230

Qualification: MSc Clinical Neuropsychology, MEd Inclusion and Special Educational Needs, BEd Special Education, Dip. Guidance, Counselling & Placement, Dip. Special Education

Research Interest : Inclusion and Special Education, Child Neuropsychology, Disability Rights, Visually impaired education

Courses : Inclusive Schooling, Guidance and Counselling, Educational Psychology, Introduction to Research Methods  

Qualification: Bachelor Of Education in Mathematics & Physics, Masters in Physics Education

Research Interest : Quantum Mechanics Education

Courses : PHY 450, PED 431

Qualification : Bachelor Of Science in Education

Research Interest : Combining simulations, practical work and feedback & feed forward process in teaching physics

                              -Effects of indigenous knowledge on African students understanding of physics

Courses : Atomic & Modern Physics, Physics Education

Qualification : Masters Of Education in Science Education

Research Interest : E-Learning challenges after Covid-19 among distance learners (:Case of Mukuba University), Education for sustainable development

Courses : CED 230, CED 330

Qualification : Bachelor Of Education in Mathematics, Masters in Mathematics Education

Research Interest : Effects Of Loadshedding, Gender differences in Mathematics Achievement of First Year students

                                -Impact of Models in Undestanding Mathematics

Courses : CSE 230, MED 230, MAT 110, CSE 330, CSE 431, MAT 260

Qualifications : Bsc Ed, MEd (Science Education), PhD (Science Education)

Research Interest : 

Courses : Biology Education

Qualifications : Masters In Mathematics Education

Research Interest : Multicollinearity

Courses : MAT 250, MAT 350

Qualifications : 

Research Interest : Data Driven Decision Making in Educational Management; The quest for objectiveity in a subjective environment.

                                 -Instructional and Curriculum Design in the wake of E-Learning

Courses : EDU 431, EDU 100

Qualifications : Masters Of Education – Mathematics Education

Research Interest : Mathematical Problem Solving, Issues in Mathematics Education (contemporary)

Courses : MED 330, MED 431


Term 1 – EDU 100  (Introduction to Education)

Term 2 – EDU 121 (Communication and study skills)

Term 3 – EDU 122 (Comprehensive sexuality)

Term 1 – EDU 211 (Education Psychology)

Term 2 – EDU 221 (Sociology of Education)

Term 1 – EDU 300 (Introduction  to Educational Research)

Term 1 – EDU 410 (Inclusive Learning)

Term 2 – EDU 431 (Chemistry Teaching: Professional perspective)

Term 3 – EDU 411 (School Guidance And Counselling)