Dr. Able Chalwe, (The Director)
Dr Able Chalwe holds a PhD in Plant Breeding obtained from University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, a Master of Science in Plant Genetic Manipulation obtained from University of Nottingham, in the United Kingdom and a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Zambia.
He is a hardworking and self-motivated Researcher and academician who has acquired extensive knowledge in Agriculture Research. He brings with him 20 years of working experience to Mukuba University. Dr Able Chalwe has worked in international and national research systems in the fields of plant health, Agronomy and Crop Improvement. For Seven years, Dr Chalwe has worked in research administration as Programmes officer in charge of administration and technical programmes at three Regional Agricultural Research Stations under the Zambia Agriculture Research Institute and currently as Inaugural Director in charge of Research and Innovation at Mukuba University in Zambia.
In enhancing resilience of crop varieties to climate change, Dr Chalwe’s research work has focussed on the integrating host plant resistance and biological control of plant pests, assessment of varietal adaptability to biotic and abiotic stresses in a bid to identify climate-smart varieties, with specific reference to drought, pests and diseases, soil acidity and soil mineral pollutants, developing and promoting plant-derived biopesticides to control arthropod pests and weeds in crops as a climate smart substitute for synthetic insecticides. Dr Chalwe has extensively worked with cassava and sweetpotato as target candidate crops which have exhibited superior resilience to climate change globally. Recently, Dr Chalwe has extended his research focus to agricultural waste management utilizing waste from agricultural processing industries in generating renewable anergy through production of biogas and briquettes for lighting and cooking as a strategy to reduce deforestation and carbon emission and ultimately mitigate climate change.
Besides, Dr Chalwe has contributed to phyto-remediation of zinc contaminated soils in the United Kingdom through genetic engineering of Red Cabbage with zinc hyper-accumulation genes from Thrassip caerulesence. Working with students has been the best part of Dr Chalwe’s career. He has supervised a number of post-graduate and undergraduate students’ research from different universities in Zambia, Uganda, and South Africa in the areas of his research strength.
Directorate of Research and Innovation
Mukuba University established its Directorate of Research and Innovation which is charged with the responsibility of presiding over research matters of the University.
Purpose of the Directorate of Research and Innovation
The primary responsibility of the DRI is to implement the University research, Innovations, consultancy and commercialization policies and effective representation of the Mukuba University with key audiences and other key stakeholders, in order to build strength and support for the consultancy, research and innovations strategic function.
The Directorate has to provide supervision to research and innovations committees at School level within the policies, procedures and standards set by Senate.
The directorate has to play a leading role in identifying opportunities for project development, collaboration and fundraising for the Mukuba University research and innovations in conjunction with Schools and units, national and partner international organisations.
The Directorate-R&I acts as custodian of policies on consultancies and monitor the identification, execution and proper utilisation of funds so realised.
PI: Mr E. Kapongolo; Co-PI: Dr G Kabwe, Prof. P. S. M. Phiri
PI: Dr A Nicholas Daniel,
Co-PIs: Dr R. S. Katete, Dr C. P. Lombe, Mr J. Pamba, Mr S. Sylvester, Mr A. Tumeo, Mr E Kapongolo, Mr C. Nyanga, Mr P. Mulela.
Design and Synthesis of ligands Derived from Acetyl acetone for the Sequestering of Metal Ions
PI: Dr N D Silavwe,
Co-PIs: Mr P. Mulela, Mr S Sylvester, Dr Nicholas Daniel, Mr C Nyanga.
The Study of Chelation of Metal Ions by Molecular Species Derived from Food Plants
PI: Dr N D Silavwe, C0-PI: Mr Clive Nyanga, Mr P Mulela
Unexpected Yield Increase of Wheat Varieties with Decreasing Fertiliser Amounts
PI: Dr Mushekwa Sakumona,
Co-PIs: Dr Kalaluka Munyinda, Dr Davies M Lungu and Mr Nchimunya Bbebe Catalytic Pyrolysis of Plastic Waste in Zambia a review and recommendations (paper under preparation)
PI: Dr P.C. Chipampe Lombe; Co-PI: Mr. Ededius Musonda
PI: Dr. N D Silavwe; Co-PIs: Mr E Kapongolo, Mrs G M Mutali, Dr M Sakumona
Investigation of Plant Materials as Sources of Traditional Salt.
PI: Dr N.D Silavwe,
Co-PIs: Mr E. Kapongolo, Ms Lungu, Mr K Moombe.
Instruments for Creating Adaptive and Climate Resilient Urban Environs in Ecologically Fragile Zambian Mining Towns
PI: Mr Phanuel Chuka Hakwendenda; Co-PI: Mr Arnold Mahonko Banda)
- Kalenga, R.M. Promotion of eggshell powder consumption to increase calcium intake of children of under five years of age: a case of Kawama Compound Kitwe on the Copperbelt
- Chipili G,
- Introduction of fish early in the complementary feeding period to improve infant growth in Samfya District (PhD project)
- Overweight and obesity in relation to Type II diabetes mellitus: The case of Kitwe District
- Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) effects on some nutritional parameters in Wistar strain albino rats (Manuscript submitted to the Journal of Food Science and Technology for review)
- Lungu, J.M. The effect of Applied Science and Technology Curriculum on the delivery of Home Economics Science related topics in selected provinces of Zambia.
- Pansho, M. The impact of plastic waste management on human health and environment – a case of Kitwe.
- Pansho, M. Assessment of the implementation of career two pathway curriculum; a case study of Northern, Luapula and Copperbelt Provinces.
- Kalenga, R.M. Impact of feeding programmes on academic performance in secondary Schools.
- Kalenga, R.M. Effects of junk foods on school going children.
- Kalenga, R.M. The impact of a community nutrition program on the nutritional status of an urban population group: a case of Kitwe District, Zambia.
- Lungu, J.M. Adherence to RDIS among Zambian household: A case of selected districts on the Copperbelt.
- Kangwa, K. & Chilufya J.M. Investigating the implementation of Computer Studies in rural primary schools.
- Mweshi, E. Teachers’ Conceptual understanding of the Mole Concept: Addressing the underlying conceptual and teaching difficulties.
- Simango, et al. A Cooperative-Learning Approach to increasing academic achievement of learners at grade 12 level in Mathematics and Sciences in selected schools in Kitwe.
- Simango, B., Mukonde B., Sakala, J., & Kwaleyela K. The practicality of the interplay between curriculum and pedagogy.
- Kabumbu, Christine (Sr.): Ecological and health risks of dust emitted from surface tailings around Kalulushi mining area, Zambia – A Pilot Study.
- Lombe, Annette (Ms.): Using technology-mediated collaboration to enhance learning concepts in an Introductory Genetics course.
- Chibuye, Bitwell (Mr.): Plant remedies used to treat poisonous snake bites in Zambia: The case of Luapula and Northern Provinces.
- Kabumbu, Christine (Sr.): Ecological and health risks of dust emitted from surface tailings around Kalulushi mining area, Zambia – A Pilot Study.
Lombe, Annette (Ms.): Using technology-mediated collaboration to enhance learning concepts in an Introductory Genetics course
PROJECT TITLE; Hopf Bifurcation and Fuzzy Theory
- Backward Hopf Bifurcation in a mathematical model for coronavirus disease 2019 with the infection delay and innate immune effects PI: John Pamba, Co-PI: R.S. Katete)
- African universities ranking estimation through fuzzy logical hierarchy process PI: John Pamba, Co-PI: R.S. Katete)
- Scrutinizing the discrimination of African senior citizens through linguistic Delphi adapted fuzzy associative memories. PI: Mr John Pamba, Co-PI: Dr R.S. Katete
- Perceptions of quality in academic research in Zambian universities: A Delphi Study PI: Mr John Pamba, Co-PI: Dr R.S. Katete
- The therapeutic potential of molecular hydrogen as an antioxidant (PI: Dr R.S.Katete; Co-PI: Mr John Pamba)
- Photodynamic therapy for Treatment of Cancer, Malaria and Tuberculosis (PI: Dr R.S.Katete; Co-PI: Mr John Pamba)
- Malaria Biomarkers for disease diagnosis (PI: Dr R.S.Katete; Co-PI: Mr John Pamba)
- Hypertension: Save Yourself. (PI: Dr R.S.Katete; Co-PI: Mr John Pamba)
- Hydrogen Production and Storage (PI: Dr R.S. Katete; Co-PI: Mr John Pamba)
- Production of Thermal Energy and Organic Fertilizers through Anaerobic Co-digestion of Invasive Aquatic and Arable Weeds with Livestock Manures (PI: Dr A. Chalwe, Co-PIs: Ms A. Lombe, Mr R. Kabiti, Mr G. Munatsi)
PROJECT TITLE; Integrated water resource
- Integrated Water Resources Management Using GIS and other Earth Observation Systems (PI: Mr A.M. Banda)
- Genetic improvement of locally adapted potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivars through mutation breeding by gamma irradiation to enhance tolerance to Phytothora infestans, improving cooking and nutritional qualities, and increase tuber yield. (PI: Dr A. Chalwe; Co-PI: Dr C. Hakachite, Co-PI: Dr M. Sakumona)
- Genetic improvement of yellow cassava (Manihoti esculata Crantz) cultivars through mutation Breeding to enhance Fresh Root and Dry matter Yields, β-carotene content, and tolerance to cassava mosaic and Brown streak Diseases (PI: Dr A. Chalwe; Co-PIs: Dr P.C. Chikoti, Dr C. Hakachite, Dr M. Sakumona)
- Participatory multi-locational Variety Evaluation and Selection of Cassava (Manihoti esculatenta Crantz) genotypes for use in starch, biofuel and livestock feed industries in Zambia (PI: Dr A. Chalwe; Co-PIs: Dr M. Chiona, Mrs G. M. Mutali)
- Chibuye, B. (2019). Effect of dialectical constructivism on performance of second-year Mukuba University Home Science students in Biochemistry, 2019 International Federation of Home Science, 26TH – 31ST August, 2019: Lusaka, Zambia.
- Kapongolo, E. L. (2018). A study of conservation status of endemic plants at Musonda Falls in Luapula Province, Zambia. The International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research Conference ID: CFP/959/201: Paper-ID: CFP/959/2018
- Kwaleyela, K. (2018). Deterministic and probabilistic thinking in quantum mechanics: A Study of undergraduate Physics students at Mukuba University, Kitwe, Zambia. IPREC Conference – 2018: Ndola, Zambia.
- Kwaleyela, K. (2018). Implementation of conceptual models in teaching and learning quantum mechanics. Multi-Research Conference – 2018: Lusaka, Zambia.
- Luchembe, D. (2018). Examining nature of feedback and student attitude towards feedback used when learning circular and rotational motion taught via hands-on practical work and computer simulations. SAARMSTE Conference.
- Mweshi, E. et al. (2019). ‘Teachers’ Mole Concept pedagogical content knowledge: developing the model for the Mole Concept content representations framework’, Journal of Education and Practice, 10 (8) 51 – 65
- Chipili, G., Msuya, J., Pacific, R., & Majili, S. Z. (2018). Women empowerment and the nutrition status of children aged between 6-59 months. J Nutr Health Sci 5(2): 208. DOI: 10.15744/2393-9060.5.208
- Chipili, , Msuya, J., Pacific, R., & Majili, S. Z. (2019). Factors that influence stunting in children aged 6 59 months in Kapiri Mposhi District, Zambia. 13th European Nutrition Conference, Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS) 2019, the Conversion Centre Dublin, Ireland 15TH – 18TH October 2019. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25576.83208
- Kalenga, R.M (2019). Challenges of teaching fashion and fabrics in senior secondary schools: A case study of selected secondary schools on the Copperbelt Province of Zambia. 2019 International Federation of Home Science, 26TH – 31ST August, 2019: Lusaka, Zambia.
- Pansho M (2019). Stroke patients’ adherence to recommended dietary practices and lifestyle: A case study in Kitwe District, Zambia. 2019 International Federation of Home Science, 26TH – 31ST August, 2019: Lusaka, Zambia.
- Ferdinand Handavu, Stephen Syampungani, Gudeta W. Sileshi & Paxie W. C. Chirwa 2021. Aboveground and belowground tree biomass and carbon stocks in the miombo woodlands of the Copperbelt in Zambia (Published article)
- Ferdinand Handavu 2020. Consultancy to assess availability of NTFP and their role in adaptive capacities of communities to impacts of climate change (CC) in the proposed Inyasemu (ICC) communal Conservancy of Chiefs Inyambo, Sekute, Musokotwane and Nyawa (2020)
- Ferdinand Handavu, Paxie WC Chirwa, Stephen Syampungani: Environmental influence on floristic composition and plant community assemblage.
- Ferdinand Handavu, Paxie WC Chirwa, Stephen Syampungani, Moses A Cho, Hastings Shamaoma: Spatio-temporal analysis of the land-use and land-cover changes in Copperbelt miombo woodlands: implications on floristic composition and tree species diversity
- Phanuel Hakwendenda, Ferdinand Handavu 2021. Climate Change resilience and adaptation strategies among communities living in ecologically fragile urban mining areas of Copperbelt province (Inception phase – PhD project)
- Ferdinand Handavu, Able Chalwe, Elizabeth Mweshi: Improving dietary diversity to enhance women and children’s nutritional status with wild foods in Milenge and Samfya districts, Luapula Province (Sourcing for Funding)
Developing Bio-pesticides for Control of Aphids and Fall Army Worm in Zambia (PI: Dr A. Chalwe, Dr F. Handavu and Mr B. Chibuye)